Laboratory shaker plate

The shaker plate is an electromagnetic device commonly used in biology or chemistry laboratories to homogeneously mix solutions and compounds for tests and trials, among others.

These devices are used in the production of chemical products, coatings, cosmetics, food, industrial, among others. In laboratories such as research, development, clinical, and education, the shaker is essential.

It usually has a flat surface, on which the containers containing the solutions to be stirred are placed. This surface is manufactured with materials such as aluminum or ceramic materials. It is easy to move from one location to another and also easily fits into small spaces.

The tray has a circular movement by means of an electric motor that controls it. They may also have rocking or vibrating movements. The movement can be orbital and horizontally balanced. The liquids to be stirred are contained in beakers, test tubes or Erlenmeyer flasks that are placed on the vibrating surface or, sometimes, in test tubes or vials that are inserted into the holes in the plate.

Stirring plates with hot plates have also been developed in order to mix and heat fluids contained in laboratory containers at the same time.

In addition, high capacity stirrer plates have been designed, which have a very good resistance to withstand heavy loads, which provide optimum performance for large-scale applications. Since stirring plates range from basic stirring design to explosion proof design for hazardous applications such as carried in industrial laboratories.

Shaker plate features

  • The surface is made of aluminum, thus providing great resistance to chemicals and impacts.
  • High drag motor with a powerful magnet system capable of stirring up to 10 liters of water.
  • Creates a movement between liquids or between liquids and solids in order to achieve a process of mixing, suspension, dispersion, homogenization, heat transfer, etc.
  • Adjustable speed.
  • Wide voltage and frequency.
  • The stirring speed can be up to 2000 rpm.
  • Has digital or analog control to ensure accurate speed and temperature.

 Instructions for use of laboratory stirrer plate

When using the stirring plate, the container with the sample to be stirred should be positioned on the plate. The equipment is turned on and the speed is adjusted to the minimum, and then the speed gradually increases. During its use, it must be controlled that the liquid does not splash or overflow from the container. To stop stirring and shut down, first the speed is gradually reduced, then it is shut down.

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